Injury means that something hurts. It could be your shoulder, knee, hip, foot, ankle, neck or whatever else part of the body that gives you pain. Many people tell you to stop practice yoga. Are they right or wrong?

You, probably, already know my answer – movement is life. Think about the way how we are built. I am talking particularly about the joints. Joints are the place where two bones meet. And they are meant to move, they are built to move! There are epithelium sacks around almost each joint and, when the joint moves epithelium produces synovial liquid to lubricate surface of the joining bones. Otherwise the smooth movement inside of the joint is not possible. think of desert land with its cracks. The same will happen to bone surface inside of the joint if it doesn’t move.
Since we straightened out this point let’s clarify how we could move it. Obviously, we should not do any movements that will injure the joint more, therefore we have to be extremely careful with our performance. This is the time when performance of physical activity for the injured joint is without any pressure, but has many repetitions to keep it moving. Remember that the more you move it the more lubrication is supplied. Therefore, we can make a conclusion that movement has to have little amplitude, no pressure and big number of repetitions and, obviously, regularity is the key.
Now, you can ask me – how regular is regularity, or what number is a big number of repetitions, or what amplitude is big and what amplitude is small enough? The answers to these questions depend on the joint, on severity of the injury and on many other factors, so, only thorough assessment and then analysis of how your body handles certain exercise, pose or the details of both will give you the answer. Don\t be afraid to contact us to check how exactly we could help you restore your health.