1/3 C raw walnuts
½ C sundried tomatoes
1 C green onions, cut
½ bell pepper, shredded
Base and Garnish:
2 medium zucchinis
5 cherry tomatoes
5 leaves of saltbush (Atriplex)
Salt, pepper to taste
Dill to garnish
Soak the walnuts for 6-8 hours and drain them. Soak sundried tomatoes, but keep the water to add it to the ‘meat’ later. Place walnuts and sundried tomatoes into the food processor and process them adding the water from sundried tomatoes soaking until meaty consistency. Stir in green onions and bell pepper. Add some salt and pepper to taste.
Cut zucchinis into circles and place them on the serving plate. Add the ’meat’ on the top of the circles. Garnish with slices of cherry tomatoes, thingly cut leaves of saltbush and dill.
Saltbush (Atriplex)
Starts growing in the middle of summer. The seeds of the plant that was not thermo-treated are good for chronic constipation and food poisoning. Also good for removing the toxins from the body. Leaves are good for disinfection and releasing from spasmodic pain. If the leaf is placed on the wound it will stop the bleeding and will not allow the infection to get into bloodstream.
This plant is also used for getting rid of headaches and menstrual pain.