If your work requires a lot of standing or walking a foot here, two there, turning around, then this variation of Vajrasana (or Virasana, or Hero pose) is for you. This is for people who have issues with their feet such as swelling, pain in feet after work, pain in heels, etc. This can also be applied to runners, especially the ones who strike the ground with their heels. Most likely the back of the legs are very tight and it affects the major train of fascia that runs at the back of the body.
If this is not looked after then it could lead to Plantar Fasciitis, if it is not there already. Let’s take a look at why and how modified Vajrasana can help in this case. Let’s get into the pose, but with a different approach. Let’s curl our toes under and sit on our heels.

If it is absolutely impossible to lower your buttocks to your heels then place a rolled towel between your calves and thighs to create some space so you can relax into the pose (even though I have never heard anybody who could possibly be relaxed in this pose).
Please, don’t sit in this pose longer than 4-5 minutes. When you finish gently (and this is important, because joints become truly fragile when you stretch them close to 5 minutes!) rock forward into tabletop position and tap your toes off the floor like crazy.
After this you can get into Adho Mukho Svanasana and/or Prasarita Padatonasana (and sankrit spelling really varies from book-to-book).

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