Most of the office work is done seated at the computer. Unfortunately, most people don’t feel shoulder tension until it develops into serious knotting, headaches and stress. We will begin with the simplest movements.
Whenever you perform these movements, try to notice what is happening and where it is happening.
Only after this set proceed to the next one:
While doing the second set move your attention to your breath and at the same time at your upper spine region.
Both of these sets could be easily done at the office desk and will require just 2-3 minutes of your time, but the benefits are countless!
Here is the list of just a few of them:
- head tension release
- blood circulation to the neck/shoulders/brain increases
- boosting productivity
- headache severity level lowers down
- shoulder knotting easing up
- upper back pain release
- stress levels decreasing
and these are just a few benefits.
Please, let us know how did these two sequences help you