Cooking in Late Fall Made Simple

Grilled Veggies with Broccoli 1 onion Bunch of cherry tomatoes Half of a broccoli head 2 Chinese eggplants A Handful of sunflower seeds (optional) Grill or bake eggplants and onion gently glazed in balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Cut grilled veggies into big pieces, slice broccoli, cut tomatoes in half and place everything into a […]
Where to get natural vitamins in winter

Many of us eat a lot during holidays and then decide to fast a little bit to clean out our bodies with juicing. Since we already learned that pine needles are good for us (1/2 cup of crushed pine needles=1 lemon=5 oranges by Vitamin C content and don’t even try to compare wild-growing pine trees […]
Eating by Nature in Winter Time
Just recently I read a few posts that people fast on juices these days. And they drink juices made out of oranges, watermelons and other tropical fruits. But let’s think. We live in Canada. It is winter now. Nature already prepared everything for us. If you look around in the forest you definitely will not […]
Green Juices
Since I was asked many times to start storing the recipes of my most successful freshly squeezed juice recipes I finally decided to do it here. You are more than welcome to come to our studio to taste them. Today juice is bunch of spinach 2 stalks of celery bunch of swiss chard bunch of […]
Detoxing Raw Food Recipes from Fall Retreats
Raw spaghetti with beet root sauce 2 zucchini medium size 1/2 sundried tomatoes 1 medium size tomato 1/2 cup hemp seeds 1 beet root 1/2 lemon 1 bunch of basil sea salt, black pepper to taste 1 clove of garlic 3 leaves of garlic mustard (optional) Soak sundried tomatoes in water for 2-3 hours depending […]