Injury. Should you practice right after or should you do nothing
Injury means that something hurts. It could be your shoulder, knee, hip, foot, ankle, neck or whatever else part of the body that gives you pain. Many people tell you to stop practice yoga. Are they right or wrong? You, probably, already know my answer – movement is life. Think about the way how we […]
Can scoliosis be treated?

When people come with serious scoliosis curvature of the spine I often find that the pelvis is also crooked. And is clearly shown on every x-ray of a person that has scoliosis that I have seen so far. Your hip bones are part of your pelvis as well. When your hips are uneven, with one […]
Nerve pinching

Neck nerve pain relief exercises could be a solution if you have pain in your neck that presents as pain, numbness, or tingling in your shoulder, arm, or hand. The cause could be a pinched nerve in your neck. WHAT IS A PINCHED NERVE? Your nerves start in your brain, run down your spinal cord, […]
Importance of proper Warm Up routine

Sometimes I just can’t help it. It is when people tell you to stretch the neck or crack it. WITHOUT ANY PREPARATION. Think of a piece of clay being in your freezer for a day. You take it out of the freezer and you want it to bend to a certain shape. You will simply […]
5 foot problems that you might not know about

Women are interesting creatures. They mostly think of esthetic problems rather than of the root of the problem. Probably, because it is easier to resolve or requires almost no work from a person who got this problem. Let’s talk about our feet and some of the problems that are considered esthetic problems, which in reality […]
Is Neck Traction Good or Bad?

If you read my previous article about neck traction devices you, probably know my answer. But it was about DEVICES. So, if it is not about devices what is it about then? What is the neck anyway? It is a bunch of barrel-looking bones, connecting with ligaments that have cushions with slimy stuff inside of […]
Do neck devices work?

Which neck traction device do you recommend? This scary question I get on a regular basis. And my answer to this is usually either NONE. But so many companies recommend it! Right. Let me tell you straight – these companies don’t care about you. They just want to sell to you. Nothing else. And you […]
Release Tension Headache through these 7 easy Upper Back Stretches
Very often I get questions such as “Can Upper Back Tension cause headaches?”. As muscles in the upper back become strained, they tighten and put pressure on the neck and skull. Tension from a pulled muscle can exacerbate the pain of a headache. These headaches may be impossible to resolve completely without first addressing the underlying back problem. And the biggest influencer of this kind of pain is stress. Stress affects […]
Yoga Before Bedtime helps with anxiety and surprisingly leg cramps at night
Practicing yoga before bedtime is a terrific way to release everything you’re holding onto mentally or physically before sinking into a peaceful night of deep sleep. Incorporating a relaxing yoga practice into your nighttime routine may improve the quality and duration of your sleep. The combination of moving with concentration on breath helps to put worries away while working on nervous system when […]
Neck Pain. Does it reside in the neck itself, in stiff shoulders or tight chest?
Most people think that the problem is at the area of pain. It is not necessarily true. For example, when we think that we have a neck pain, that stress lands into the base of the neck and gives us tension headache and stiffness in shoulders we start searching for neck stretching on YouTube. We […]
In-studio, in-home and online programs
While many people stay home we decided to provide online programs as well. Choose what you need the most at the moment to keep your mind sane and body healthy. This sequence is specifically designed to help seniors to improve hip mobility in order to be more stable and to ease up pain in low […]
Here’s Why Your Company’s Wellness Program Isn’t For You
Your company offers a workplace wellness program. You figure it only makes sense for more flexible people, for the younger employees, and for people who don’t have that much work to get done. What could it do for someone with a limited range of motion, low endurance, and lack of time? Maybe, just maybe, you […]
Bad knees? Here’s how to stay active using these exact dos and don’ts
You’re afraid. That’s understandable. Perhaps you think that because you can’t do activities as you used to, then you shouldn’t do them at all. Perhaps you think that if one slight move gives you pain, then you should stop moving in general. Perhaps you think you’ve tried everything and none of it has been successful. […]
Relief for Hip and Knee Pain: dynamic goddess pose + 5 min video
Your legs are weak (yes, even you, the professional) A rash statement I know, but after having worked with many injured people including yogis and yoginis with more than 20 years of experience, I found out that most peoples’ legs are weak. This is because many, including those who’ve had “yoga training”, make the mistake […]
Sciatica Pain Relief: #1 Pose That Helps Every Time
The search for sciatica pain relief has been on the rise. You can find relief from sciatica with this one pose: the happy baby.
An in-depth Look at Why You Still Have Sciatica
We talk in-depth about why you still have sciatica and how to start changing that.
How To Reduce Your Neck Pain Right At Your Desk
According to Statistics Canada, just over 20% of adults met the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines of 2013. Original source here Shocking, right? Well it has A LOT to do with what you do for a living. There is a strong correlation between our fitness levels, our occupations, and the pain that we feel as a […]
Your Back Is In Pain: Here’s How Your Feet Can Help
Let’s talk about back pain. Most people who come to our studio have had it and it’s a big reason why they go to our yoga classes. And according to a 2009 study done by The Work Foundation, 1 out of 8 Canadians reported having a chronic back problem. But how do you fix that […]
How to Detox Daily (Hint: You’re Already Doing It)
Every January health and medical professionals gear up to fight something exciting: a long line of New Year’s resolutionists who thought that they knew what the word ‘detox’ meant. This line has become so long that ‘detox’ now comes with a negative connotation. But that’s not because detoxing is bad for you. It’s because mainstream […]
How to Drink More Effectively over the Holidays: Advice from Russians
We’ve heard all the excuses. In fact, we practically made all of them up so there’s no need to tell us it was because your cousin just got married, or you’re trying some new and expensive alcohol, or you’re trying to stay warm, “It’s the holidays! Give me a break!” I’m sure by this point […]