Our Courses

Check all courses we provide
All about hips - restoring hip mobility

All about hips - restoring hip mobility

This subscription course will help you - restore and maintain hip mobility
- avoid development of or recover from arthritis, bursitis, strains and other injuries
- improve athletic performance and flexibility
- improve lower back health and posture

Improve Vision With Eye Exercises

Improve Vision With Eye Exercises

- Improve eyesight
- Release eye strain
- Get rid of eye twitching and strengthen your vision
- Learn easy mandatory daily habits when working with vision
- Relax and hydrate your eyes with different water procedures

Neck Pain Relief Yoga Course

Yoga for neck pain relief

- 10 vinyasa or "flow" yoga sequences.
- Enhancing brain function and eradicate Brain Fog
- Enhance your focus and concentration
- Relieve compression in the head, neck, and back.
- Lubricate your spine and shoulder joints
- Soothe pain and release emotional and physical stress and tension
- Reduce chronic fatigue. Decrease anxiety
- Improve your coordination

No More Back Pain: The Unknown Secret of Yoga Teachers

No More Back Pain: The Unknown Secret of Yoga Teachers

This subscription course will help you
- Learn how to Relieve Back Pain with Yoga
- Reduce your Lower Back Pain through SAFE Exercises of ALL Related Joints and Muscles
- Strengthen All of the Deep Muscles of your Spine through different Stabilization Poses
- Protect your Spine and Keep it Healthy in your Everyday Life by Avoiding Unnecessary
- Learn what kind of Movements are Injurious for your Spine
- Increase your Mobility and Flexibility through the Stretching Poses and Exercises
- Increase your Stamina through Dynamic Exercises
- Prevent Back Pain through Yoga. Live a Medication Free Life