7 Office Yoga Poses
These 7 Yoga Office Poses could be done in any of the workplace environment. None of them will freak out your colleagues and your boss will be extremely happy with your performance. This simple Corporate Yoga sequence will also allow you to release some aches from shoulders, wrists and lower back, as well as simply […]
Wild Edibles: Raw Burgers with Saltbush

“Meat“:1/3 C raw walnuts½ C sundried tomatoes1 C green onions, cut½ bell pepper, shredded Base and Garnish: 2 medium zucchinis5 cherry tomatoes5 leaves of saltbush (Atriplex)Salt, pepper to tasteDill to garnish Soak the walnuts for 6-8 hours and drain them. Soak sundried tomatoes, but keep the water to add it to the ‘meat’ later. […]
Shoulder Tension Release for Office Workers
Most of the office work is done seated at the computer. Unfortunately, most people don’t feel shoulder tension until it develops into serious knotting, headaches and stress. We will begin with the simplest movements. Whenever you perform these movements, try to notice what is happening and where it is happening. Only after this set proceed […]
Vitamins from Nature in early Spring

And what is out of the ground by now in the forest? If you look around you will certainly see some little yellow flowers that are often mistaken for dandelions. They are called Coldsfoot and are in sunflower family. You can simply eat them right there, in the forest or can collect them and put […]
Yoga at the Workplace
Some people think that corporate employees need to stretch their muscles to get the blood circulation restored. Other people think that they need to stretch their muscles to release the strain from the neck and shoulders. Who is right? Of course, all of them are right! But here is something that we learned through our […]
Simplest Carrot Salad Loved by my 6 year old

Many parents tell me that they struggle to introduce veggies into the diet of their little kids. Here is the salad that my daughter makes me to help her to do it. I don’t know what could be simpler than this salad. Ingredients: 2-3 medium sized carrots 2 tart apples 1 table spoon of lemon […]
Where to get natural vitamins in winter

Many of us eat a lot during holidays and then decide to fast a little bit to clean out our bodies with juicing. Since we already learned that pine needles are good for us (1/2 cup of crushed pine needles=1 lemon=5 oranges by Vitamin C content and don’t even try to compare wild-growing pine trees […]
Eating by Nature in Winter Time
Just recently I read a few posts that people fast on juices these days. And they drink juices made out of oranges, watermelons and other tropical fruits. But let’s think. We live in Canada. It is winter now. Nature already prepared everything for us. If you look around in the forest you definitely will not […]
Green Juices
Since I was asked many times to start storing the recipes of my most successful freshly squeezed juice recipes I finally decided to do it here. You are more than welcome to come to our studio to taste them. Today juice is bunch of spinach 2 stalks of celery bunch of swiss chard bunch of […]
Winter Wonderland Retreat at King City
And yes, Jane and Garry are putting together another unique retreat on January 24th! Everyone who wants to understand more about wild foods and what’s available in winter should come, this will be a very special day. Garry Tibbo will walk you through the forest showing what is good to eat now, in winter time […]
Improvement of condition of cardiovascular and psychological systems during retreat
During the last retreat we decided to demonstrate to the participants how the condition of psychological health can be significantly improved during only a few hours. The only quick measurement of this could be the radius of the aura, since it depends on the emotional, cardio, mental and psychological health. The participants were measured upon […]
Last 2014 Retreat/Workshop with Jane and Garry Tibbo
There is no need to describe what happens when Jane and Garry run the workshop together. Even when they both tired their aura easily span close to 100 meters! And the ones who know what this means will understand what it is to just simply be beside this kind of people. Their knowledge about Nature, […]
Detoxing Raw Food Recipes from Fall Retreats
Raw spaghetti with beet root sauce 2 zucchini medium size 1/2 sundried tomatoes 1 medium size tomato 1/2 cup hemp seeds 1 beet root 1/2 lemon 1 bunch of basil sea salt, black pepper to taste 1 clove of garlic 3 leaves of garlic mustard (optional) Soak sundried tomatoes in water for 2-3 hours depending […]
Raw Detox Foods from our past Retreats
Recipes from the retreat at Hidden Forest Studio Chocolate truffles ½ cup walnuts ½ cup pitted dates ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes Soak walnuts and dates for a night, then throw them into a food processor and pulse a little bit. Make sure that you still have some small pieces of nuts inside of […]
Fixing Facial Issues or Simply Disolving Your Wrinkles
Yes, the faces could be fixed and here how we are going to do it during 2 hours of intensive Face Fixing Workshop: Opening meditation to discover the areas of work in the face. You could be very surprised to find out something that your mind was hiding from you. Releasing nervous clamps with the […]
How to build kitchen DIY – part 1
If you want to save thousands by building kitchen yourself you can do exactly the same as we did when we decided that we want beautiful little kitchen by the first Fall retreat. And by doing this you already follow Rule#1 – time constraint. Rule#2: before you begin to look for anything you have to […]
One Day with Garry Tibbo and Jane Kabarguina
One Day with Garry Tibbo and Jane Kabarguina Guess what happens when Jane and Garry come to together? Guess how you feel when you spend just one day with these two individuals? This is nothing to compare with because it is experimental program that Jane and Garry invented during Self-Healing Festival in Toronto. Quick glance […]
Fall Retreat at Hidden Forest in King City
This Fall Retreat Detox with Yoga, Raw Cooking & Tibetan Honey will focus on Detox in order to prepare for the winter and boost the immune system. Date and Time: October 18 Place: 300 Spruce Hill Rd., King city Cost: $135 ($20 off if registered before October 1st) Contact: 416-277-5432 Itinerary: 10:30-11:00 am Arrival 11:00-12:15 […]
If you decide to work on your face
What type of activities do you have to look at when you decide to make your face beautiful? Let’s list all of the steps that we usually go through during our Mini Retreats/Workshops : Measuring Hair whorl, how far is it from normal state and how to correct it Opening meditation to discover the areas […]
If your work requires a lot of standing
If your work requires a lot of standing or walking a foot here, two there, turning around, then this variation of Vajrasana (or Virasana, or Hero pose) is for you. This is for people who have issues with their feet such as swelling, pain in feet after work, pain in heels, etc. This can also […]